Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am not really big on New Year's resolutions. They always seem very lofty and most of the time I end up setting myself up for disappointment. This year I've seen the idea floating around in the blogosphere of picking one word for the year and making that your motto. I REALLY resonate with this concept. I feel like it fits my personality. Years ago, when I was in my early twenties and in the midst of figuring out who I was and who I wanted to become I made the decision to change some things. It wasn't a resolution. It came from inside me, a very true and genuine desire to change my lifestyle. That day I went on a 1 mile run. It was brutal. I hadn't worked out for about a year and at the time it was the hardest thing I had done physically in a really long time. It hurt so good. From that day forward I made a promise to be kind to myself. I began to run and never stopped! There was a point where I took the challenge a little too far and became overly obsessed with running. That was another turning point for me. The point of all this blabbering is that this year I feel like I have a true purpose again. I am happily married, I have a wonderful husband and an 18 month old son whom I love with all of my being. For both of them I want to continue to grow and explore even better parts of who I am. So the word I will choose as my motto this year is: Discover. It has been 18 days since 2012 began and I can tell you that so far I am already discovering little things every single day. This past week I have discovered a new interest in photography. Who knows how far I will delve into that world but it feels awesome to realize that I have only just begun to tap into parts of me that I haven't appreciated before.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

I am

I found this poem on a new blog I found today. I dressed it up a bit so I can put it somewhere in my house. I love how it's written and I love how it ends.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Best Buds

"Every puppy should have a boy." ~ Erma Bombeck 

Jaxon's New Playroom

For months I've been wanting to convert our 4th bedroom into a playroom for Jax. Over the holidays Mike and Dave finally moved out an old couch so we could add a train table (handmade by Dave), a bookshelf, and a mini-broncos couch (handmade by Colette). To add a finishing touch I created these pieces of art inspired by images from Pinterest. I'm pretty excited about how it turned out. I went with a cute little monster theme and went to town! I will definitely be doing more of this and posting lots of projects in the future. For 2012 I am inspired to tap into more creative DIY adventures. It's so much fun and a lot cheaper than buying ready-made art. Happy New Year!

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